Lost and Found / Adventure
Completed February 16th, 2008
Most things that are lost, are lost forever. However, in this Film Fight, the item comes back ... except when it does, something is terribly, drastically, different about it! You decide WHAT your item is and how it gets so stinkin' FUBAR'ed.

"cool and awesome. great work guys. "

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Description: "Two friends who share a special bond are torn apart after one returns and isn't quite the same as before."

Submitted: January 13th, 2008

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Lost and Found"

by Indy Mogul

Genre: Adventure

Indy Mogul81
F4 Movie Films77
Not Half Bad24

Lost and Found

by Indy Mogul

Two friends who share a special bond are torn apart after one returns and isn't quite the same a...

4 reviews
81 votes

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Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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