"I liked this, good job at fitting this funny little skit into such a small amount. Felt like it ended a little suddenly though, maybe some sharper editing and faster delivery would have allowed you to end it a little more cleanly. Good job though, it was fun. "

Description: "You have just become a member of the Evil Empire, so enjoy the included accommodations. "
Submitted: January 14th, 2010

Reaper Propaganda
by Redhand Studios
What world organization dominates more than death? Click here to see the "Reaper Wikipedia."
7,658 views7 reviews25 votes

Evil Empire Promo
by a BRELSE Production
You have just become a member of the Evil Empire, so enjoy the included accommodations.
6,099 views7 reviews31 votes

by Redhand Studios
Genre: Propaganda
Group | Votes |
Redhand Studios | 25 |
CyFy | 22 |
Mad Scientist Entertainment | 12 |
Reaper Propaganda
by Redhand Studios
What world organization dominates more than death? Click here to see the "Reaper Wikipedia."
7,658 views7 reviews25 votes