"Great video. Kids need a better reaction at the end though. One of them smiles. :) Really nice color correction and shot angles. One tip to make your production more "movie-like" is to shoot in 25p. This looks like 30p or maybe even 60p. That can really make a difference in the overall look of a video. Great job t..." read more

Description: "He finds an old photo then he makes the most of his time machine."
Submitted: June 7th, 2011

by Knoptop Studios
He finds an old photo then he makes the most of his time machine.
20,267 views4 reviews83 votes

filmyguy's Time Machine
by filmyguy fun group
Here's my entry for the ad competition for the awesome Video Time Machine webzone. Enjoy!
4,793 views2 reviews29 votes

Who's Your Daddy?
by Mega Black Suit Productions
A man uses the time machine iPhone app to go back in time to become his friends father.
1870 views3 reviews20 votes00:19

Holographic YTTM App.
by Jesse Gilbert Films
Finding your favorite retro videos is now easier with this futuristic app.
1875 views6 reviews16 votes00:32

Relive It
by Fear More Studios
Two love birds find their "morning after" interrupted, but they cant get out of the moment.
1838 views1 reviews15 votes00:29

Nothing Happened.. WTF!
by GilpinFilms
The people who proclaimed the end of the world were wrong.
1548 views2 reviews14 votes00:17

The Time Machine!
by Fat Panda Productions
The invention of the time machine goes wrong
1825 views2 reviews14 votes00:17

Apocalypse Later
by I Love Jesus
Thanks to modern video games, every teenage boy secretly longs to bare witness to the apocalypse.
1768 views1 reviews10 votes00:18

WWII Time Machine
by Metal Monkey Films
After playing his WWII he uses his iphone as a time machine to go back in time of WWII
1748 views2 reviews10 votes00:15

The Beginning
by The BOOM productions
The main caracter goes back in time to the beginning....
1887 views1 reviews10 votes00:17

Time travel is possible
by DannyAttwoodFilms
What happens when time travel is made possible what would you do?
1909 views3 reviews8 votes00:20

Steal Ideas
by Life and Death Films
What would I do if yttm.tv's app was a time machine? Well, better watch out Justin and company
1949 views2 reviews7 votes00:16

by Skitzo Studios
A man travels back in time to scare the Kennedy motorcade away from Daily Plaza in Dallas.
2018 views1 reviews6 votes00:17

by Chicken Nuggets
i would re-enter my entry for "The 3:30 Fight" except I would make it a million times better
1756 views1 reviews4 votes00:22

Video Time Machine Spot
by codybyler
I argue that Mario's first appearance was in Donkey Kong while my "twin" says other wise.
1,758 views4 reviews0 votes

by Knoptop Studios
Genre: Commercial
Group | Votes |
Knoptop Studios | 83 |
filmyguy fun group | 29 |
Willamette Filmmakes Society | 14 |
Smoking Barrel Production | 12 |
Worn Out Shoes Productions | 1 |
by Knoptop Studios
He finds an old photo then he makes the most of his time machine.
20,266 views4 reviews83 votes