Space Opera / Adventure
Completed September 19th, 2011
Make a classic space opera in the style of the original "Star Wars" or "Flash Gordon!" Go where no man has gone before!

"It had an okay story, although I think it could have been expanded upon better. The audio wasn't great, but my biggest issue was the green screen. It locked you in to only two shots and the environment felt devoid of any energy. Try filming on location next time for better results." read replies

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Description: "A film of revenge. This time I usaed public domane music."

Submitted: August 28th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Samson Steede"

by Clear Prop! Productions

Genre: Adventure

Clear Prop! Productions49
We Art28
Smoking Barrel Production1

Samson Steede

by Clear Prop! Productions

Space cowboy, Samson Steede, must escape the clutches of the dreadful Uranusian species.

6 reviews
49 votes

Smack Talk!


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Hall Of Fame
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