Un-Animated / Trailer
Completed March 19th, 2012
Your favorite animated movie or cartoon is being turned into a LIVE ACTION movie, and you're the director! Make a 60 second trailer for it - check out this great example:http://bit.ly/zuLS61

"Justin's right. It's cool in some parts, and just weird in others. No offense."

Avatar Rottenpopcorn
York Haven, PA
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Description: "A trailer for the upcoming live action remake of cult '90's cartoon, 'Bucky O'Hare: And The Toad Wars' Tomikazee Productions"

Submitted: March 4th, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Bucky O'Hare: The Movie"

by Tomikazee Productions

Genre: Trailer

Tomikazee Productions42
Vintage Ruins Productions27
The Uncle Stone Project.8

Bucky O'Hare: The Movie

by Tomikazee Productions

A trailer for the upcoming live action remake of cult '90's cartoon, 'Bucky O'Hare: And The Toad ...

4 reviews
42 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb The Guardian

The film is based off an old short for a Cable Access show called Shonklers.

Thumb It Came From the Chinese Restaurant

A trivial comedy for serious people.