Ultra Violent / Action
Completed October 14th, 2012
No dialogue, just violent scenes. The goal would be to make violence feel orchestrated and beautiful. All FXs would have to be home made (No computer graphics). Make something terrible seem wonderful!

"LOL, really laughed at that first jumping attacked. Awesome zombie makeup! Wasn't sure what was going on at first. Aww, the music is pretty funny too. Great shot of the dog barking at the end. Normally wouldn't allow the credits to break the time limit (you can always put those in the description), but this is cle..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "Ultra Violent little ride!"

Submitted: September 27th, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Sweet Little Ride"

by The Fire Octopus

Genre: Action

The Fire Octopus40
Friendly Enemy Productions1

Sweet Little Ride

by The Fire Octopus

Ultra Violent little ride!

8 reviews
40 votes

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