"It's cool to see you've gone to the effort of having full costumes, and the guys in this really look the part. A nice simple, enjoyable story here, but unfortunately the action scene is too short when it should have been the epic centre piece for your whole movie. Some of the opening shots and end shots could pe..." read more
Description: "Sometimes one wonders if the reward is worth the sacrifice. Written and directed by Bjarke Johansen "
Submitted: April 7th, 2013
Dubstep of the Dead
by Replacementdad
In the end of days when zombies rule, only a myth can save you.
4,133 views8 reviews24 votes
Brother In Arms
by Horrible Horror
Sometimes one wonders if the reward is worth the sacrifice. Written and directed by Bjarke Johansen
4549 views8 reviews40 votes
Can You Dig It?
by The Phantom Monk
Disposing of a body is never easy!!! This is my first ever Film Fights entry and a totally solo effort, I hope you enjoy it
1981 views9 reviews13 votes
by Clone Magic Films
Genre: Any
Group | Votes |
Clone Magic Films | 27 |
Replacementdad | 24 |
CarterCinema | 23 |
Golden Pidgeon | 11 |
by Clone Magic Films
Things got out of control.
16,316 views11 reviews27 votes