Short Docs: History / Documentary
Completed February 8th, 2015
The history of the world is pretty amazing. Chose any historical topic and make your documentary film!

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Description: "The fab four tells a story about how the greatest rock band in history went through discouragement to make it to the top."

Submitted: January 25th, 2015

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Fab 4"

by Team Omega

Genre: Documentary

Team Omega83
Calusa Media49

The Fab 4

by Team Omega

The fab four tells a story about how the greatest rock band in history went through discouragemen...

0 reviews
83 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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I love making videos, but ever since I got to San Diego, it's been difficult try...

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King of Filmfights, David Lehre Four Trick! haha just kidding. I really appr...

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He's 24 years old and looking for a PARTY!