Guess Who's Coming To Dinner / Sitcom
Completed October 18th, 2004
It's a situational comedy! Spoof your favorite style of sitcom, or make up your own brand of wacky character-driven hijinks! Someone is coming to dinner, and your characters have to prepare.

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Description: "The devil's in the details in this On Rye LTD winner!"

Submitted: October 9th, 2004

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"

by On Rye Ltd.

Genre: Sitcom

On Rye Ltd.81
~OAP~ Off Air Porductions52

Guess Who's Coming to D

by On Rye Ltd.

The devil's in the details in this On Rye LTD winner!

0 reviews
81 votes

Smack Talk!


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