Psycho / Any
Completed October 29th, 2018
Psycho is a classic film about a boy and his mother, but that's not what we want to see. Use the title to inspire you, but make it as different as possible. Make your version of of the film!

"Oh, c'mon, Film Fighters! Don't let this rubbish win by default."

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Bend, OR
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Description: "Happiness is a long hot shower... but not for Norman. (Music by Jake R. Sanderson, Creative Commons License)"

Submitted: October 14th, 2018

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Norman Bathes"

by Visual Feast

Genre: Any

Visual Feast6

Norman Bathes

by Visual Feast

Happiness is a long hot shower... but not for Norman. (Music by Jake R. Sanderson, Creative C...

1 reviews
6 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb Glib

This film was shot in 16mm as a final project for Film 1 at the Detroit Film Cen...

Thumb Infomercial

One short night of brainstorming, one day of shooting, one long night of editing...

Thumb The Guardian

The film is based off an old short for a Cable Access show called Shonklers.