Action Movie Sequel / Action Movie Sequel
Completed December 11th, 2005
Good news! The first action movie in your series did great! Now the studio demands you put out another one as soon as possible!

"Great Trailer...That is a film I would definitely go see on the big screen. Love anything that mixes Cops & Time Travel. Very Clear scenes and edited very well"

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Description: "In this highly anticipated, action-packed film, Brett Welter returns to the screen as Clark Cavalier, better known as CONFEDERATE COP, only to mysteriously find himself in the year 2005. In a race against time, he must fight to uncover the truth. Introducing Mike Tepeli and Amy Stringwell, with Griffin Hammond once again as Professor Wright."

Submitted: December 2nd, 2005

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Confederate Cop 2"

by Griffinity

Genre: Action Movie Sequel

Chubby Commie39
One Trick Pony20
The Silly Apple Klub19
Dont Ask7

Confederate Cop 2

by Griffinity

In this highly anticipated, action-packed film, Brett Welter returns to the screen as Clark Caval...

17 reviews
82 votes

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