(Beach Boys song title) / Open
Completed May 20th, 2007
The only restriction is that your movie has to be closely related to your movie (Beach Boys song) title. Example: "409" and themovie is about a multi-purpose cleaner that is tough on grease AND kills germs.

"Awesome font for the title. I like it. Oh man, this video is going to get really gay, isn't it? Hah, the screen squeezing is a funny effect. Punching a windchime? Wow, Jeremy in the shower is almost too much for me to handle. This video is exploding all over my screen. Oh god, the keyboard, EWWWWww. This vid..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "Definately a stretch to meet the criteria of this fight. Not our best quality. but hopefuly good for a few laughs."

Submitted: April 18th, 2007

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Good Vibrations"

by F.A.S.T.films

Genre: Open

One Trick Pony26

Good Vibrations

by F.A.S.T.films

Definately a stretch to meet the criteria of this fight. Not our best quality. but hopefuly good ...

4 reviews
29 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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