Blood Freak / Horror
Completed September 29th, 2007
A freak is out for blood! You fill in the detail. Make it gross, scary, bloody.

"A-OK?!?! I hope that Dave Seger is in this film. Hmm.. Well, you guys submitted something, more than I can say. I don't like it. But it was well done. "

Avatar galvestonbeachbum
Galveston, TX
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Description: "Dave: Hi, this is Dave Seger of A-OK Films Tim: and Tim Marklevitz! Hi all! Dave: We made you a movie! Tim: We sure did! Haha!"

Submitted: September 14th, 2007

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Fur Trader"

by Operation: KillDie Productions

Genre: Horror

Operation: KillDie Productions202
Blue Smoke Films87
One Trick Pony24
A-OK Films16

Fur Trader

by Operation: KillDie Productions

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6 reviews
202 votes

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