Honey, I [blanked] the Kids! / Sci-Fi
Completed October 31st, 2007
It's a fun-filled, fill in the blank fight! Something terrible has happened to the kids, and it's up to YOU to tell us what that terrible thing is. Obviously you can't use "shrunk" because it's been done. Come up with something wacky that'll blow our minds!

"Not bad. Change of scenery, lots of actors, costumes...wow. If you can manage to do this kind of thing with all the fights you submit, you'll always come off as impressive. at least in my mind. This is a full fledged movie, beginning to end. The only negative things are simply things i disagree with you on. just d..." read more

Avatar Steve Pappin
Fairfield, IA
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Description: "A Big Guy, Carnies, and a Two Dollar Bill. Enjoy."

Submitted: October 16th, 2007

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Honey, I Transmogrified the Kid"

by Operation: KillDie Productions

Genre: Sci-Fi

Operation: KillDie Productions35
Gifted Goat14
Adam & Sean Videos0

Honey, I Transmogrified

by Operation: KillDie Productions

A silly concept I wrote in about a half hour, shot in 2 hours and edited overnight, finishing a c...

4 reviews
35 votes

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