Night Man / Action
Completed December 28th, 2007
The "Night Man" and the "Day Man" (champion of the Sun) must face off to claim a soul.

"Well, if thats what Steve eats out of, i don't think I'd want to be the one to eat over there! haha just kidding, but that was pretty funny."

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Description: "A lone worker is exposed to the madness of a man hell-bent on snatching his soul in the quiet of the night!"

Submitted: November 29th, 2007

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Nightman"

by Indy Mogul

Genre: Action

Indy Mogul181
Lawnjockey Productions45
Yes Maam Productions28

The Nightman

by Indy Mogul

A lone worker is exposed to the madness of a man hell-bent on snatching his soul in the quiet of ...

7 reviews
181 votes

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