Nursery Rhymes / Horror,Thriller
Completed April 13th, 2008
Use the title of a popular Nursery Rhyme to create an eerie horror/thriller. Here's a great list to brainstorm ideas from! http://tinyurl.com/yqnmz9

"Slow getting started. Bad lighting. Almost entirely black all the time. Didn't care for how the film was slowed down. Good subject material. Nice sound work. Showed some good promise. Keep it up!"

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Description: "The Nusery Rhyme is Billy Boy"

Submitted: March 15th, 2008

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Pop! Goes The Weasel"

by Monkey-Penguin Productions

Genre: Horror,Thriller

Monkey-Penguin Productions257
F4 Movie Films126
midget pickle productions62
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Pop! Goes The Weasel

by Monkey-Penguin Productions

A random couple stumbles in to an old house to find a mysterious crazy man in it.

2 reviews
257 votes

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