Go Ahead, Make My Day / Any
Completed May 16th, 2008
Make a video based around only one line of dialogue which has to be the famous quote "Go ahead, make my day." Your movie should be no longer then 2 minutes and not have any other form of dialogue (no speaking, no subtitles, etc.)

"I liked the shaky effect. I also liked the nice use of different shots with a fixed lens. The dialog should have been dubbed in later. That camera doesn't have good sound on board. Good job!"

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Description: "A nice fun video. Show it to your kids! Please understand, this is our best effort, and we do not expect to win Still thanks for considering this. Thanks if you do decide to vote for us! Again, thank you soo much!!!"

Submitted: April 15th, 2008

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Go Ahead, Make My Day"

by Monkey-Penguin Productions

Genre: Any

Monkey-Penguin Productions113
J & B Productions103
Better Than Seven88
Wolf & Eagle Studios52
Blue Smoke Films38
Willamette Filmmakes Society36

Go Ahead, Make My Day

by Monkey-Penguin Productions

There's only so much a man can take before the showdown. So "Go Ahead, Make My Day"

2 reviews
113 votes

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