The Box / Mystery
Completed November 14th, 2008
Make a film about a mysterious box. What does this box do to the people that encounter it, and what sort of thing lurks inside of it?

"imafish - I hate the mixed controller thing when it's obvious. It's nice when it's subtle. It's not a present you little punk. Who feels the bottom of an empty box. Serves you right. Black on black... bad. The effect of the "ghost" is good, the acting iss horrible. Not bad effects. Scripting could u..." read more

Avatar galvestonbeachbum
Galveston, TX
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Description: "Two friends are haunted by boxes and this weird guy..."

Submitted: August 21st, 2008

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Infomercial"

by black heart films

Genre: Mystery

black heart films122
Im With Loser Productions114
Roads End Productions.com39
Beach Bum Pictures9


by black heart films

One short night of brainstorming, one day of shooting, one long night of editing.

4 reviews
122 votes

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