FFCon2k8 L.A. Lipdubs / Lipdub
Completed October 14th, 2008
Every year we come together and do 'in camera edit' films - meaning you've got to shoot it up old school style, straight to tape. This year we made LIP DUBS (like a music video, but in one shot).

"Marissa is so cute in this."

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "Ken O, Griffin from Griffinity and Marissa from One Trick Pony perform 'Boys in tha Hood' by Dynamite Hack - representin' the streets!"

Submitted: August 13th, 2008

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Never There"

by Shoot First Atlanta

Genre: Lipdub

Shoot First Atlanta62
One Trick Pony10
A-OK Films7
Irrational Films7

Never There

by Shoot First Atlanta

Shoot First Atlanta's lipdub video for the song "Never There" by Cake.

1 reviews
62 votes

Smack Talk!


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