Halloween Special 2050 / Holiday
Completed December 18th, 2008
This film must start out in 2008 but must end on Halloween in the year 2050. You figure out the rest!

"well i didn't like it so much it was too weird that they talked to a spirit or something. i don't understand what that has to do with year 2050. " read replies

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Description: "Two friends go trick or treating and stumble upon a portal to the year 2050!?!?! "

Submitted: November 8th, 2008

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Halloween Party"

by fridgeraiders

Genre: Holiday


The Halloween Party

by fridgeraiders

A true rivalry never dies, especially when it's based on Halloween costumes.

1 reviews
90 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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