My Lonesome Valentine / Romance
Completed March 14th, 2009
It's Valentine's Day, and your lead character is all alone. Will he find love, or be stuck alone? The rest is up to you!

"good sets"

Avatar Jeremy
Peoria, IL
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Description: "A Mental Patient falls in love with his Psychiatrist. I had a problem uploading the version with the FF intro, I can get you that version shortly but I had wanted to submit this. "

Submitted: February 14th, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "My Lonesome Valentine"

by CrAMP Productions

Genre: Romance

CrAMP Productions258
Kings of Reel256
Encryption Entertainment44
One Trick Pony31

My Lonesome Valentine

by CrAMP Productions

A compelling story about a man and his sandwich.

7 reviews
258 votes

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