No Destination / Adventure
Completed August 2nd, 2009
Your lead character or characters go out on some kind of road trip, and adventures ensue! Go enjoy the weather! Be sure to title your film "No Destination" and stick to a under 5 minute time limit. For bonus points, use the line "He's getting away!"

"I was hoping to save my comments for a review show, but it doesn't look like I'll get around to doing one for July. First off, VERY NICE camera and great acting on behalf of the bum. I understand that you're trying to parody the various movies you pulled the music from, but using non-indie music or non-origin..." read more

Avatar Bryan Fox
Las Vegas
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Description: "Made for the July first competition for filmfights.com. What happens when a grizzled hobo gives two dudes a map to the greatest treasure known to man....find out....in this movie! Cinematography/Editor Raleigh Latham Starring Rich Turner Harry Caley Some Guy from Dunedin Made on a 3 day Roadtrip around New Zealand's South Island. "

Submitted: July 6th, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Play"

by Hippojuicefilm

Genre: Adventure

Procoverage Studio215
Willamette Filmmakes Society106


by Hippojuicefilm

Road trip that begins with one word...

10 reviews
492 votes

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