''You're So Going to Hell'' / Morality Play
Completed January 14th, 2010
Your main character makes some decisions leading to dire consequences. MUST INCLUDE THE LINE: "You're (soooooo) going to hell." Keep it snappy. Not over 3 minutes!

"This was really awesome to watch! I loved how the Devil was played by a kid, but with that voice. It was a really clever idea and so should have won!"

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Description: "Evil just isn't compatible with these new-fangled technologies."

Submitted: December 31st, 2009

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "You're So Going To Hell"

by Redhand Studios

Genre: Morality Play

Redhand Studios54
Freaky Streak Films35

You're So Going To Hell

by Redhand Studios

A business girl finds out that being a bitch really doesn't pay off in the end.

12 reviews
54 votes

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