To the Death! / Fight Scene
Completed February 14th, 2010
It's your turn to make the BEST fight scene you can. Toss in some story (if you want) but this one is all about kicking butt ... TO THE DEATH! (fight submitted by alvirnexc)

"Why would he check if he still had the cocaine and then stand there like an idiot, i like that you dont show the snipers face, too much blood, but nice simple idea. I think it would have been better if you found a different way to show that he had cocaine like an establishing shot. or maybe a flashback of him gett..." read more

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Description: "When you're carrying three bags of cocaine in the boot of your car, a sniper is bound to ambush you."

Submitted: January 20th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Fallen Future"

by Jalapeño Films

Genre: Fight Scene

Jalapeño Films56
Bloch Films35
Redhand Studios32
Neko Neko Films8

Fallen Future

by Jalapeño Films

Spectacular short fight scene shot on a Panasonic GH1 with Canon FD primes.

16 reviews
56 votes

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Film Fights Review Show
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