Here's The Plan / POV
Completed April 14th, 2010
The first line of all the films is "Here's the Plan." All films were all shot in first person, or "POV" perspective!

"fun fact about this video. it was the first time ive ever done something like foley. I recorded every sound you hear separately. i thought id give it a shot since when ever i post videos everyones always suggesting it. I found out that even though its an added step, if its done right it sounds quite amazing. -jes..." read more

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Description: "You have 10 seconds. "

Submitted: March 27th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Plan"

by Sometimes Funny

Genre: POV

Sometimes Funny62
Volatile Productions61
the Yellowhouse54
Redhand Studios36
Mecha Ardor26
Spielberg aint' got nothinONTHIS11

The Plan

by Sometimes Funny

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