Over The Top / Exaggeration
Completed March 31st, 2010
Our Film Fighters took a simple event, and used over-the-top techniques to make it RIDICULOUSLY INTENSE and/or AWESOME.

"The green screening was kind of poor and this had nothing to do with the fight. But I liked the costumes and in the begining shot how you had the hands waving in front of the camera to create the crowd. "

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Description: "heh"

Submitted: March 15th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Recyculator"

by the Yellowhouse

Genre: Exaggeration

the Yellowhouse129
Dont Ask31
IDFUN Productions31
Magic Goat Productions27
Sometimes Funny22

The Recyculator

by the Yellowhouse

We take recycling seriously. Recycling is life, the rest is just details.

16 reviews
129 votes

Smack Talk!


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