Predators / Any
Completed July 12th, 2010
So, yanno that blockbuster Robert Rodz movie coming out about aliens? We want YOUR take on the TITLE, but that's it. No aliens allowed. Think of some OTHER predators instead!

"I honestly have to say that the sexual predator thing is really tired. Other than that, good job coming up with a song for the film. I think that was the most creative part."

Avatar RandomAxe
Medford, OR
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Description: "Mort your average neighborhood sexual predator."

Submitted: June 23rd, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Predatory Partner"

by Random Axe Entertainment

Genre: Any

Random Axe Entertainment29
Dreamatic Productions27
Dark White films20
Pier 7b Productions17
Sprankle Studios13

Predatory Partner

by Random Axe Entertainment

When a young man won't sell his shares to his partner, she finds another way to get it.

16 reviews
29 votes

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