The Expendables / Any
Completed August 15th, 2010
You know that AMAZING ACTION movie coming out? Called "The Expendables"? We took the TITLE of the movie; and challenged our filmfighters to make a non-action movie using just that!

"The animation couldn't have been better but, The vocals and plot could have used improvement"

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Description: "Sci-Fi cartoon about jobs that are deemed "Expendable" by a ruling class."

Submitted: June 13th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Expendables"

by Sometimes Funny

Genre: Any

Sometimes Funny49
Random Axe Entertainment16
Jersey Unleashed Films 10
Skitzo Studios3

The Expendables

by Sometimes Funny

Desire for energy leads an alternate-universe United States down a disturbing path.

16 reviews
49 votes

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