Muted / Silent Main Character
Completed August 3rd, 2010
In this film, your main character must never utter a single line. This cannot be a totally silent film / music video, they must interact with speaking characters as well! (no longer than 3:30)

"I loved how he kept smiling through the sales pitch I couldn't stop laughing- thank goodness my popcorn ran out otherwise I think I may have choked. Great actors. Sound quality could have been better but great short."

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Medford OR
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Description: "George bets Dave he can't keep quiet for 24 hrs, and does anything he can to get him to talk."

Submitted: July 14th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Muted"

by Red Handed Rejects Productions

Genre: Silent Main Character

Red Handed Rejects Productions192
Jersey Unleashed Films 37
Volatile Productions33
Random Axe Entertainment33
Fat Llama Productions31
Skitzo Studios25


by Red Handed Rejects Productions

A young mute man falls in love with a ironic companion.

21 reviews
192 votes

Smack Talk!


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Hall Of Fame
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