Unearthed! / Time Capsule
Completed September 30th, 2010
In this film, your characters find a time capsule and must deal with it's contents, be they DANGEROUS, MAGICAL, or outright silly.

"Opening to this is REALLY boring. Always have something interesting or eye catching to open your films with! Start the film with your best shot - like the shot at 38 sec would have been cool to start with, and then motnage the guy talking underneath it - cutting from the car to him reading the note - would save us..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "A tired time traveler faces a tuff situation."

Submitted: September 15th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner

by Red Handed Rejects Productions

Genre: Time Capsule

Red Handed Rejects Productions62
MexiRican Productions32
Knoptop Studios25
MexiRican Productions4


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