Misguided / Any
Completed November 14th, 2010
A person is given some instructions which he misinterprets! You show the consequences!

"Lots of videos with phones this fight! Hah. Maybe phones are confusing. This phone looks pretty cool. Not sure what's going on here - wish that there were some more close ups of the text, kind of hard to read - gotta really drive each message home with a close up! I want to see more shots of the people as well, m..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "friend takes text the wrong way when he says watch out for the UPS guy for his package. "

Submitted: October 27th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Misguided"

by Hey Killer Productions

Genre: Any

Hey Killer Productions49
Battery Graveyard Films25


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