Holiday Miracle - The Musical! / Musical
Completed December 31st, 2010
Make a musical about a miracle of the holidays, whether it be Christmas, Hanukkah, whatever!

"Ouch, I dont even know where to start with this one. This is so bad I actually had to bite my tongue and delete the last review I wrote on this awful short. I did save it though............. Well first things first, this "short" film is way too long, four and half minutes feels like a life time when a film sucks t..." read more

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Description: "Solo musicians Ian Gosbee and Sarah H dance and sing in this holiday miracle musical."

Submitted: December 15th, 2010

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Holiday Miracle Musical"

by Broken Stickers

Genre: Musical

Broken Stickers50

Holiday Miracle Musical

by Broken Stickers

Solo musicians Ian Gosbee and Sarah H dance and sing in this holiday miracle musical.

4 reviews
50 votes

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