Daydream / Any
Completed March 31st, 2011
Show us a daydream through the eyes of the main character. Go all out and have fun with it!

"this is weird but the guy with the chicken drum sticks is funny is hell but try more of a story the next time"

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Description: "Colin is a person who's thoughts are crazy as he is, lets take a look into his dreams.."

Submitted: February 5th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Gunslinger"

by Cale Nichols Films

Genre: Any

Cale Nichols Films38
Jersey Unleashed Films 30
Tomikazee Productions24
Hey Killer Productions20
Somewhat Awesome Films11

The Gunslinger

by Cale Nichols Films

Ever let your imagination wonder? It might be more dangerous then you think.

11 reviews
38 votes

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