The 3:30 Fight / Any
Completed May 1st, 2011
Make a film that starts at 3:30 -- AM or PM, start with a shot of a clock and take it from there!

"The interviewer's voice coming out of the left speaker, did you do that to make it sound like he was on the other side of the room or? It does look like he is holding the pocket watch himself. I liked the artsy shots, are these there because they look cool or are they an actually part of his memory?" read replies

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Description: "So none of my friends could help me out...and I got shot down on shooting locations. Here's my work."

Submitted: April 7th, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "3rd Floor (3:30 Fight)"

by Smooth Films

Genre: Any

Smooth Films118
Random Axe Entertainment30
Mega Black Suit Productions14

3rd Floor (3:30 Fight)

by Smooth Films

A man rushes to work early, only to find himself caught in the middle of a ransom exchange.

18 reviews
118 votes

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