TBC ... / Cliffhanger
Completed May 14th, 2011
Make a film that leaves us hanging at a dramatic moment with "To Be Continued."

"I was being lazy this fight and didn't feel like writing any reviews but damn!!! This was awesome...I loved the whole idea...the lines were great "what do you mean Clyde??? You're the clown!!!" LMFAO!!! Amazing location!!! You already know about the wind issue, I liked the wind as it made the location more real, b..." read more

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "Clyde confronts the more esoteric aspects of his life. What he finds may be troubling..."

Submitted: May 1st, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "TICK"

by Abaci Productions

Genre: Cliffhanger

Abaci Productions36
Cale Nichols Films27
Beaver Brain Productions18
Smoking Barrel Production9


by Abaci Productions

1 part explosives, 1 part evil plan, mix well....enjoy.

8 reviews
36 votes

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