Remake / Any
Completed July 14th, 2011
Remake a Lightweight film from the past! Any fight, any Lightweight, you choose!

"I think you would have done better if you added more camera angles and did some closer shots. I felt that the camera was too far away from the subject and the shot went for too long. The voice of your hitman needed to sound more intimidating also. Sorry, the guy just didn't sound convincing enough. Maybe it w..." read more

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Brisvegas, Australia
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Description: "remake of the "Here's the plan" lightweight. Not as well endowed as actors but hopefully good to win"

Submitted: June 21st, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Intruder"

by FCF

Genre: Any

Anthem Films11
The Indie Machines6
Jersey Unleashed Films 3


by FCF

A man's decisions can lead him to an unfortunate future. WATCH THE ORIGINAL: http://bit.ly/jHelpf

8 reviews
26 votes

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