Kickass Women / Action
Completed August 14th, 2011
Tell an action story with a female lead! Think Kill Bill, or Lady Snowblood.

"Great fight scene! Must have taken awhile to get every shot perfect! The sound fx were great as well! My only con would be that it was too short. I was really expecting more! Good job!"

Avatar akiyonaga
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Description: "What does it mean to win? It may or may not be what you expect. "

Submitted: July 31st, 2011

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Creep"

by TEXO Films

Genre: Action

TEXO Films26
Kickback Productions18

The Creep

by TEXO Films

a german short, where a boy has to fear his girlfriend...

14 reviews
26 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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Thank you to all my amazing friends who always support me in all that I do.

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This bitch'in film has a puppet, mustaches, vampires, and a Gypsy!! So flipp'in ...

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