Film Fights Commercial / Commercial
Completed April 2nd, 2012
Make a commercial for Film Fights! We need more filmmakers and voters, so spread the word by making a killer commercial! Get your creative juices flowing!

"I didn't get it. Yeah, forests are nice, but no one can read that fast. Still pretty good."

Avatar Rottenpopcorn
York Haven, PA
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Description: "What's the best kind of marketing? Subliminal messages! "

Submitted: March 18th, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Challenge"

by -Xzkape Productions

Genre: Commercial

-Xzkape Productions29
SlugShellProductions 3

The Challenge

by -Xzkape Productions

An epic battle is yours for the taking.

5 reviews
29 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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The balance of power and living forever can be obtainable, but at what price? E...

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12 minutes. That's how long our rendition of "Wyoming Jones and the Complicated ...