The Worst Way To Die / Any
Completed June 10th, 2012
What would be the world's worst way to die? Would it involve turtle wax, a lampshade, and Andy Dick? You decide! Do your worst!!!

"Some good shots here, and a funny idea. The status update post at the end is a little anticlimactic -- would be more exciting if he was on the phone, or talking to someone -- or if he even just posted the status update and then met his un-doing. I like your style and your shots, lots of potential here! Keep it up!..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "This short signifies how ironic life could get when the worst way to die could also be the thing that kept you alive. "

Submitted: May 27th, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Worst Way To Die"

by The Other Guys Films

Genre: Any

The Other Guys Films46
J2 Productions17
GreyHillMafia Productions8

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