4am / Any
Completed July 22nd, 2012
Set your alarm for 4 am - when you wake up, come up with a movie plot idea and record it (audio). When you wake up, create that idea, no matter how weird, using your 4 am recording as narration.

"Very weird. But I guess that's ok with fight. LOL Nice" read replies

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Description: "A dream about a man sitting in a court before a jury of himself, charged with being the most handsome man on earth. "

Submitted: July 8th, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Mr. Mustache"

by FilmFox

Genre: Any

CrazyCreative Productions26

Mr. Mustache

by FilmFox

Mr. Mustache is left to die along with everything else on his fucking planet.

4 reviews
38 votes

Smack Talk!


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