Found Footage / Any
Completed August 19th, 2012
"Found Footage" is the style of filmmaking you've seen in "Cloverfield," "Blair Witch," and "Chronicle" - make your own found footage film. Creepy, weird, funny, anything goes!

"Really, really liked it. great atmos. loved the hoodie catching the blast fx. less is more all the way."

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Description: "A man leaves a message to whatever inhabits this planet after we are gone."

Submitted: July 14th, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Unfound Footage"

by Mega Black Suit Productions

Genre: Any

Mega Black Suit Productions36
Double Suspect18
Riddle Productions5

Unfound Footage

by Mega Black Suit Productions

A man leaves a message to whatever inhabits this planet after we are gone.

5 reviews
36 votes

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