Murphy's Law / Any
Completed September 30th, 2012
Your protagonist just wants to accomplish one simple thing, but it all just keeps going horribly wrong! Kind of like Lindsay Lohan's career!

"The editing was little bit "jumpy". Try practicing the editing. Also the camera sound bothered me. I suggest to use microphone next time."

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Description: "A guy is readying himself for a very important conference, but a broken toaster stands in his way of success."

Submitted: September 2nd, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Do You Mind!"

by Redman 16 Productions

Genre: Any

Redman 16 Productions47
Multimedia Moguls39
Few coins only production26

Do You Mind!

by Redman 16 Productions

A man desperately needs the toilet, but keeps being stopped....

10 reviews
47 votes

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