Childhood Nightmares / Horror
Completed November 11th, 2012
Create a horror film about something you were scared of when you were a kid. Clowns in the closet, monsters under the bed, or the unknown evil that lives in the dark basement. Scare yourself!

"Well done again! I love the shot at the end when he leans forward. Keep submitting guys, it's always a joy to watch your submissions!" read replies

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Orlando, FL
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Description: "A guy get back in his childhood live when he found his old journal!"

Submitted: October 26th, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Dolly Dearest"

by USM Crew

Genre: Horror

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Dolly Dearest

by USM Crew

Producers: Homa Kohan, Philip Lancaster Director: Don Devereaux Director of Photography: Luis S...

3 reviews
21 votes

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