"Good News Bad News" Haiku / Haiku
Completed October 28th, 2012
Say "Good news is...bad news is..." in your short haiku. A video haiku is a 3 shot film. 1st shot is 5 sec, next shot is 7 sec, final shot is 5 seconds. SEE EXAMPLES HERE: http://bit.ly/s34Fmc

"Sweet echo and a very sympathetic voice. The visuals create a hollow feel, but what is this person talking about? "

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Description: "Would you want to know the truth even if it'll cost you your life? Since it is October I made this alil weird/mysterious. "

Submitted: October 15th, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The operation"

by The Fire Octopus

Genre: Haiku

The Fire Octopus16
Black Sock Productions7

The operation

by The Fire Octopus

Waking up of an operation, everything seem fine but...

4 reviews
16 votes

Smack Talk!


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