If MacGyver Can Do It!!! / Action
Completed December 9th, 2012
Your character is in an intense situation and must use no more than three random objects to get themselves out of it. Candlesticks, microphone cord, rubber mat = Defibrillator. You get the idea.

"This was a really neat idea, just possibly a bit off what the actual contest was focusing on. "

Avatar HBC Films
Dayton, Ohio
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Description: "Here I pay tribute to the MacGyver Intro - perhaps the most exciting part of the show. Clips are from my Physics Videos."

Submitted: November 23rd, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Taking The Plunge"

by UI Digital Media Club

Genre: Action

UI Digital Media Club9
The Fire Octopus7
HBC Films3
Physics Videos .net1

Taking The Plunge

by UI Digital Media Club

With his relationship in the balance, a desperate boyfriend must use his head to save it.

5 reviews
9 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb Fragile

This was a film was produced for Filmfights Week 40 and took FIRST PLACE.

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King of Filmfights, David Lehre Four Trick! haha just kidding. I really appr...

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Sorry to those who submit a full film...ours ended up as a teaser because of som...