Submit Your Best Film / Any
Completed January 13th, 2013
Have you made a short film outside of Film Fights that you want to share? Now is your time!!! Show us what you've got!!!

"A thing that asks a lot of questions and answers the title. Maybe it shouldn't have? The music fits like a glove. "

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Description: "I made this weird video haiku earlier this year about a tv remote that jumps off of a staircase to kill itself."

Submitted: December 21st, 2012

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Subtraction "

by Sextape Comedy

Genre: Any

Sextape Comedy51
Mega Black Suit Productions10
Clone Magic Films9
The Fire Octopus8
Douglas Scott Films7
Please Fasten Your Seat Belt6


by Sextape Comedy

Johnny Football is the new guy at President Garfield High. He is popular, ruggedly handsome, and ...

2 reviews
51 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb Danger Corn

A solo dance party goes awry after one man decides to pop some dangerous popcorn...

Thumb American High

American High is a fun little flick set in the late 70's about a "boy", Martin t...