Let's Get Lyrical / Any
Completed January 20th, 2013
Use the lyrics of a famous classic song (a song most people would know) and use it as your script. Your characters should act out the lines (not sing them). So whip it! Whip it good!

"Very creative usage of so many lyrics from one song. Great job." read replies

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Description: "Once upon a time, Juan went to therapy... He didn't go back. Set to "Like a rolling stone" by Bob Dylan."

Submitted: January 11th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "When the Man Comes Around"

by Taft Avenue

Genre: Any

Taft Avenue27
Big Gorgeous Productions12

When the Man Comes Arou

by Taft Avenue

A gangster must pay for his crimes and it's a druggie's lucky day when the Man comes around.

0 reviews
27 votes

Smack Talk!


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