Bedtime / Any
Completed February 17th, 2013
Film has to revolve around a bed. It can be anything from horror, comedy, drama, whatever, it just has to involve a bed and bedtime.

"Congrats on the win!" read replies

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Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "This is a Thriller that we made in 1 day. I am 16 and my brother (the actor) is 14. We are Espience Films"

Submitted: February 3rd, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Whispers in The Dark"

by Espiene Films

Genre: Any

Espiene Films25
Closing the Gap10
Owl Media6

Whispers in The Dark

by Espiene Films

This is a Thriller that we made in 1 day. I am 16 and my brother (the actor) is 14. We are Espien...

5 reviews
25 votes

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