Animal Madness / Any
Completed March 24th, 2013
W.C. Fields once said, "Never work with children or animals." Naturally, we should do just that. The storylines must revolve around an animal. Cat, Dog, Platypus, Emperor Tamarin or whatever you like!

"The sorry after the splash was hilarious... definitely seemed like a clip from a family vacation...was that Hank Azaria?!?!?! Thanks for the submission..."

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "An amazing journey of a whale"

Submitted: February 17th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Dog Days"

by Buck Nut Productions

Genre: Any

Buck Nut Productions22
The Fire Octopus10
Clone Magic Films8

Dog Days

by Buck Nut Productions

A short film about the life of a small dog.

3 reviews
22 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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