Trapped / Suspense
Completed August 28th, 2013
Your character(s) trapped in a "____" . Where's your character trapped? How long have they been there? Do they fight to stay alive or start accepting they'll never get out?

"You had a good location. However, your story was illogical. The guy ran away from a threat (a bird?) and then forgot about that threat, he simply walked away! Maybe you could have chosen a different song to better suit the mood. Also, check your white balance. It was changing after every other shot."

Avatar Volpov
Richmond, BC
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Description: "A hike in the woods can be enjoyable, except when you're all alone when things start to go downhill."

Submitted: August 6th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Hyde and Seek"

by The Phantom Monk

Genre: Suspense

The Phantom Monk23
Storm Front Reno22
Seth Wright Productions20

Hyde and Seek

by The Phantom Monk

Not all monsters live in the closet!!!

3 reviews
23 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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